The landowners mission, goals and objectives are at the heart of everything we do. Regardless of ownership type, project size, or project complexity, F4 Tech uses a variety of proven and appropriate management techniques (timber management, prescribed burning, exotic species control, chopping, mowing, and planting) to help sustain ecosystem composition, structure, and function.
Our unique technology suite – SilvAssist – delivers efficient workflows that allow for greater levels of data collection and analytics.
Our unique technology suite – SilvAssist – delivers efficient workflows that allow for greater levels of data collection and analytics. Our software solutions save time and money, as well as produce instantaneous and innovative results – available anytime, anywhere, and on any device!
The collection of field data is foundational to making informed, well-planned, and profitable natural resources management decisions. GIS mapping is a key step in performing any natural resource inventory and management project. Site-specific forest/vegetation inventory data is commonly used to quantify current conditions, assess forest products and wildlife habitat, and monitor management activities. In addition to mapping natural features, cataloguing the location and condition of physical assets such as culverts, bridges, outbuildings, fences, and fire lines are integral to sound land management. This empirical data and information support organizational and project planning, budgeting, and on-the-ground management.
F4 Tech has developed and deployed well over 200 comprehensive forest/vegetation inventory projects across the southeast U.S. Most of our data collection projects incorporate some to all of the following tasks: 1) conduct stand/habitat mapping in GIS to help define sample areas; 2) systematically and objectively allocate inventory plots; 3) collect forest/vegetation data; 4) conduct field audits of completed plots; 5) manage the entire inventory process; and 6) manage field data, calculate summary statistics regarding habitat conditions and timber resources, and produce interim updates and project summary reports. Most of our clients request that we support project planning, development, and management using the F4 Tech technology suite, e.g., SilvAssist Mobile, SilvAssist Inventory Manager, SilvAssist Events Manager, and Esri ArcGIS on-line web maps.
We strive for open and regular communications with our clients throughout the management/project cycle.
F4 Tech leverages its SilvAssist Suite with Esri’s ArcGIS platform to provide innovative and value-added reporting and analytics to foresters, landowners, and other stakeholders. Our unique suite of products, which includes SilvAssist Mobile, Inventory Manager, and Events Manager, equips your mobile devices and/or desktop computers with the most functional and efficient forestry software. Our software is task-centric, focused, and simple-to-use with little or no training needed. Users can readily access built-in reports that can be quickly exported to Excel at the push of a button.
F4 Tech staff develop management plans focused on income generation, protected species conservation, wildlife habitat, and combinations of each.
Forest and ecosystem management plans are necessary, somewhat cumbersome, time-consuming, and at times expensive to create. We understand that each management plan is unique based on individual client goals and objectives. Our team of experienced staff can identify potential problems and prepare specific resource management plans to help you meet your financial, habitat restoration, enhancement, or maintenance goals and objectives. As it concerns strategic planning, we have developed utilities within SilvAssist that help streamline forest growth and yield projections based on specific management regimes. This output provides information on expected outcomes, e.g., timber-based revenue, at the block or ownership levels. Many of our clients go a step further and request a schedule of management actions intended to optimize a management objective over time. We in turn feed growth and yield results into the Woodstock harvest scheduling solution provided by Remsoft, which generates a stand-by-stand action plan to help guide management decisions.
We have decades of on-the-ground operational management experience that is leveraged to facilitate project implementation planning and oversight.
Are you looking for answers to questions such as “what should be done with my land” and “how should changes be accomplished”? The experts at F4 Tech are here to help with project implementation planning and oversight. We use our patented technology and data-driven monitoring to facilitate project success. Our expert on-the-ground operational management ensures that your land is well managed so that site productivity and other resource attributes are sustainably managed over time.
We perform compliance and conformance checks to help identify lessons learned and best practices – essential keys to continuous improvement.
Reassessing forest/vegetation conditions after treatments such as thinning, burning, and chopping completes one management cycle and marks the beginning of the next one. Observations and field data derived from post-treatment inspections and inventories help determine if treatments were implemented as prescribed (compliance check), conducted in the correct areas (use GPS/GIS to develop action-area maps), and effective in meeting landowner goals and objectives. An analysis of post-treatment data helps managers and landowners identify lessons learned, best practices, and potential improvements that can guide future cultural treatment prescriptions in similar settings and other forest/natural community types across their landbase.
Strategic-Tactical-Operational Planning • Cloud-based Forest/Vegetation Inventory • Forest Growth and Yield Modeling
Harvest Scheduling • Stand and Habitat Mobile Mapping • Software Development for Natural Resource Management
Forest/Landcover/Habitat GIS Mapping • Ecosystem Restoration • Natural Resource Analyses and Reporting • Wide Range of Forest Management Services such as timber sale administration, prescribed burning, site preparation, and reforestation